About Us

Our Family

 I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  After college I taught elementary school for a number of years in Pennsylvania.  The cold weather took me to Arizona where Steve and I met, fell in love, and married.  I became enamored with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels when my pet Maltese George died at age 12.  One thing led to another and here I am, twenty + years later, with a house full of cavaliers and fun, new friends and a very busy life.  I wouldn't change a thing except my hair color which changes all the time!

Steve was a 4th grade teacher in Gilbert, Arizona for 30 years and is happily retired.  When he's not golfing he helps me because I have gone to the dogs!  I stay home and play with the dogs, feed the dogs, pet the dogs, laugh at the dogs' antics, nap with the dogs, bathe the dogs, love the dogs, and show the dogs.  Whew, it is a lot of fun, but kind of like raising 6 or more toddlers.  Now add 4 or 5  puppies to the mix and you can see how busy and happy we are!  On a serious note I do health testing with veterinary specialists on all our cavaliers.  Hips and Patellae are certified at age 2, and hearts and eyes are checked yearly. 


After decades in Arizona we decided to move East in 2017 to be closer to our kids.  My son Matthew is a surgeon and Gina is a perfusionist so they are always very busy. Their son Matthew Jr. is now fifteen years old, our grandchild and the apple of my eye. Oh, grandchildren are such a joy!